Monday 25 April 2011

My Love For Bertie Wedge

Recieved these beautys from a very good friend of mine.
Until the day I was given these Berties I had never seen a wedge quite so like these ones, with its leather format and lace up at the front, a one to keep in the front wardrobe indeed. J'Adore!

Thursday 7 April 2011

The Non Existence of Waterproof Eyeliner

The Non Existence of Waterproof Eyeliner

As I am browsing through March issue of Vogue whilst getting my hair re-tinted in Tony ‘n Guy could not help but notice one article in particular which caught my attention. A piece of writing by journalist Rana Kabbani named ‘Life Line’ tracing the background to the wonderful Kohl eyeliner been used over century’s by women from all around the world. She discussed the power of the substance and how indeed it a huge aspect plays in her life. This piece inspired me to think how kohl eyeliner and all eyeliners for that matter not only play a huge part in feminity, but portray power and courage to women.

The power of Kohl
Walking through the city of London, I see Arabian women who due to religion are covered in material which only reveals their eyes, you can see the thin line of kohl outlining the eye of the beholder. Through just this tiny thin line opens the only part of feminity and control these women have with their body image. Footage of women from Iraq surrounding what was their life now turned to rubble, standing upright yet still eyes gazing wearing kohl, creating a sense of courage. No eyeliner has smudged because no tears have been shredded although ther elife has been torn from the war. An interesting fact I found, it is believed also Bedouins consider Kohl to be used as a medical method in order to fight infection. This meanig kohl's uses are cosmetic yet also medicine related in some countries.  

Rana Kabbani related this image to her own life of when her partner of three years told of his affair with another women. Due to her illness at the time she had no control over her body to get up to chase and possibly hit him, along with the fact she also had no control over her tears.  Devastated her friend came over for support. Normally a friend would whip out of her handbag a box or sympathy chocolates or a bottle of wine, this woman handed out her Rimmel eyeliner. Her words to Rana which is now a quote I intend to live by was ‘Cry one god dam tear over this Bastard, and you’ll look like a stupid raccoon’. This hideious threat of looking like a stupid Raccoon stayed in Rana's head, from that day kept her vow to wear eyeliner to avoid any foolish tears.

This memoir brings me to a flashback of being in my secondary school when the boy I had a crush on had apparently humiliated me in front of the whole class. I wearing eyeliner at the time, when found out cried in the toilets with friends. Eyeliner and crying over stupid idiot did not match very well. When walking past the boy with foolish pride Laurens eyes were replaced with panda eyes-Not a suitable look for moment in time. growing older and wiser I tell myself to gain composure when the eyeliner is on show.

Eyeliner now brings courage and power to women since we cannot shred tears when wearing it, causing us to forge the situation we are in and to just simply breath. It distinguishes between what’s worth crying about and what’s not, and when it comes to guys defiantly would prefer to wear the kohl eyeliner and too look fierce.

However there are times when every girl will go through that one heartache when even the most expensive eyeliner will not cure the pain. For these times waterproof eyeliner is a definite. A sales assistant from Boots counter who has worked with make up for many years casually explains how waterproof eyeliner simply does not exist.

With the non existence of this product shows that women will stay forever composed with the belief inside that whatever situation you are in is not worth looking like a panda, or a 'stupid raccoon for that matter.  Nevertheless for the one heartache though for when a tear needs to wash away the pain as I once read ‘I fear that even at Boots chemist, there is absolutely no cure for a broken heart.’

Harry Brown

Harry Brown review for Live

''It’s not Northern Ireland Harry.''
''No its not. Those people were fighting for something; a cause. To them out there, this is just entertainment.''

Based on the justice system here in the UK, Harry Brown, a crime/action British film clearly portrays how the levels of crime and drug abuse in present society is increasing rapidly, with more gangs getting away with crimes than before. Set in Elephant and Castle starring Michael Caine as Harry Brown, with two upcoming actors Ben Drew and Jack'O Connell. Harry Brown an elderly man living on the same estate all his life, witnessing the changes that have occurred throughout his time. From events taken place in the war to the trouble of gangs in his area, relating to the changes in society a convocation involving Harry Brown asserts : ''It’s not Northern Ireland Harry'' Harry: ''No its not. Those people were fighting for something; a cause. To them out there, this is just entertainment.''
As well as an ex soldier, Michael Caine also came from a poor family, with a hard background, growing up himself in Elephant and Castle, using his own life experience to interpret today’s society within the film.

The very first scene being a boy shooting a woman whilst riding past her struck me the most. It relates to what happens in today’s streets, a recent example being in Hackney, young Agnes Sina-Inakojo just 16 years, was shot in the neck by a passer by on a bike. Shocking scenes are used throughout the film, are an eye opener for viewers to portray how serious crime is getting.

 When Harry Browns lifelong friend is murdered due to attempting to stop the local gang harassing him, the police argue they cannot create justice due to lack of evidence, however clearly aware of the trouble the gang create on a day to day basis, a problem commencing in todays society. Harry Brown sets up to gain justice himself, his way. On his journey doing so he comes across many areas that commence in reality, from drug dealers to coming face to face with gang members, also gaining a background insight of why they are taking part in crimes out on the streets.

Harry Brown Image Drug Dealer
Harry Brown played by Michael Caine.

The main gang leader played by Ben Drew, others may know him as the artist in Plan B, plays a teenage boy called Noel. He comes across as a typical drug dealer who congers up more ideas to cause trouble in the neighbourhood, he too is fully aware police cannot arrest him because of the evidence lacked. Again this is another problem raised in the UK as many youths think they can get away with crime, causing the crime rates to increase. Many people are scared to speak up of ASBO behaviour, being frightened of the outcomes, this relating to his character since everybody knew he was trouble but in the end gave up on getting justice.

 However looking into Noel's background shows an insight of why he is involved in crime. His father being in prison for being a gang leader, with his mother an alcoholic shows he has no role model to look up to, often mentioning his father shows Noel tends to look up to him although he is a convicted criminal; showing he knows no different. Realistically Noel has been lead astray with nobody advising him the rights from wrongs, causing him to go off the rails into the streets. Which could be a reason why some gangs are formed today? If some teenagers who are involved in gangs had more to be inspired too would create a motive to achieve in life before it is too late, decreasing the chances of them drifting towards gangs and violence. Particulary increasing my interest in the film was that real gang members from an estate in Elephant and Castle were the location was set were used to contribute to the film. This added a sence of realism creating it to become an excellent Brittish film.

Ben Drew playing the lead gang member 'Noel'

Through watching Harry Brown, it has not only made me realize a great deal the effects and outcomes of when justice has not been done, but also why some teenagers are lead to gang crime. The film sends a message that more needs to be done in order to create a better society for the future, this involving the education of youths today and giving them more to inspire to, avoiding them being in the streets. Also sending a message that justice can be done in the world today.    

Thursday 16 December 2010

Taming of the Mane.

Due to being passed down the curly hair gene from my Ma, means I for certain cannot go to bed with wet hair and wake up feeling fresh and fabulous. More like Kelis from her 'Milkshake' music video. For years I have tried various products to control the curls until recently found one that will be staying in my collection of Laurens boutique.

Oleo Relax by Kerastase, a light serum, controls fizz to the max. With its thin and smooth texture, unlike most products really does give an illusion you have oil in your palm. For some people the product may be too greasy for its worth but for controlling frizz, with its unique scent, is definatly the soloution.

Although Kerastase products works wonders for the hair, they are in the price range of £12 -£20 the cheaper products being the 'Aussie' haircare range (smells Gorgous too!) in which I use religiously.

The Aussie range started in 1979 in Australia (believe it or not!) By a man called Tom Redmond who insisted natural oils and fruits were the way forward for good conditioned hair. He started making products from these oils then soon was well recognised and travelled to the UK to widen his buisness.

This '3 Minute Miracle conditior' contains Saffloower oil, according to Tom heals split ends tames cuticals, which is perfect for me since I have an addiction with GHDs. Other selections consist of :
Colour Recognition
Mircle Moist
Dual personality: Anti Frizz
Aussome Volume

Definatly would recommened these!

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Xmas list please

I want this...

Heart Charm Bracelet WatchA Watchlet.         =)
From accesorize.

Inspired by 'Sandy' from Grease..

Leather Look Skinny Trousers

Tell me about it. Stud.

Tulisa N Dubz

Tulisa currently in the sucessful band N Dubz, this summer released her personal authored documentary named 'My Mum and Me' shown on BBC Three. The documentary consisted of Tulisa talking about her upbringing whilst coming to terms with her Mum having Bi-Polar, also showing there is help for those young carers in similar situations. From a young age she took on the role of being a carer for her mum dealing with the most demanding situations witch occured with it, with the documentary covering these issues.

N Dubz Tulia Contostavlos

After watching this, made me realise Tulisia has had a rough upbringing and most of the times had to look out for herself. Relating to this is her song 'Secrets' she wrote on N Dubz first album 'Uncle B', the song consists of  her having problems during her childhood with many people around being unaware of her troubles. She is a true role model for those can relate to her, also showing there is a light at the end of a dark tunnel. This topic being personally significant for me since from my early teens I also was a carer for my mum when she was going through cancer. Watchcng Tulisas expressing an emotinal approac during the documentory made me realise I have not been the only teenage girl to put all aspects of my life aside in order to look after my mum and onwards then looking after my younger sister. Personally if you are reading this you should watch Tulisas documentory and listen to her words as it will make you realise how fortunate you are to have your mum and all the things you probably take for granted in life which she does for you.

Check out Tulisas song 'Secrets' she wrote in her teenage years. The lyrics express it all.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

'Seasons of Love'

A poem found in an old diary of mine a long time ago..

Love is like the seasons
And fading of the years
Like Summer it brings happiness
Like Autumn it brings tears.
Like the spring times golden sun
It grows stronger everyday
Butt like the winter snowflakes
It slowly fades away.
First love is like springtime
Wonderful and new
But like the cold grey winter nights
It quickly makes you blue
You'll soon forget the heartache
You'll soon forget the pain
Coz just like all the seasons
Love will come again